Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I'll Miss You Question Time

Overall I have found this to be a very beneficial assignment in the way it has forced me to listen to numerous question times, to examine the issues discussed and to analyse this processes as a feature of the government which I haven’t really been exposed to, or paid attention to in the past. While I find question time to be a slightly pointless time where issues are rarely resolved and where senators merely pump out their key messages in absence of any further clarification on the matters, I guess it is a time where the public can see both sides of the argument, at times gain insight on new campaigns and policies in order to make their own conclusions on issues as opposed to what is presented to them.

I have also found my interaction with these new mediums very beneficial and think i can safely say my debut into the blogosphere hasn't been too scary, and has provided me with new sets of skills that will no doubt be necessary for my future in PR. Although I don't think I will be jumping on to update my ipod for podcasts of question time any time soon, I find the world of podcasting to be equally as important and useful.

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